RAIN was a community of enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and motivated individuals working together to solve some of the most challenging robotics problems in the world.

At its core were ten research institutions, led by the University of Manchester, each bringing their own expertise.




The Sellafield site has miles of pipework in old facilities that are in need of disposal. For this to be done properly the pipework needs to be surveyed to determine if any radiation is left inside the pipes. FURO is an in-pipe inspection robot that is able to autonomously navigate through unknown pipe networks. It can vary its diameter to allow it to navigate within 137 mm – 244 mm pipes. Its passive and active wall pressing ensure it is able to climb vertical sections or pipework as well and navigate elbows.

The robot is developed for surveying unknown pipe networks within old nuclear facilities such that they can be geometrically and radiologically mapped to aid with decommissioning.