
RAIN was a community of enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and motivated individuals working together to solve some of the most challenging robotics problems in the world.

At its core were ten research institutions, led by the University of Manchester, each bringing their own expertise.



The Mini-RoboMach is configured as a “walking andsnaking” system, capable of performing holistic in-situ multi-task operations in challenging environments. A wide set of in-situ tasks can be achieved by each constitutive unit independently, or the system can be used as a single combined unit for even more complex tasks. It consists of two robots that are able to achieve unique in-situ tasks:

a) The WalkingHex, a 24 DoFs parallel kinematic configuration, is utilised for providing both walking and 6-axis movement of the end-effector for performing in-situ operations over large workspace volumes;

b) The SCArm, with its 25 DoFs, enables “snaking-in” capability for penetration into dense structures and the use of its last 6 DoFs to manipulate end-effectors for post-production operations in confined workspaces.

As a combined system, the WalkingHex (i.e. the body) can execute a variety of the in-situ tasks on the base surface (ground) of the working environment and also act as a carrier for delivering the SCArm to desired locations, thus enabling the completion of in-situ works in otherwise unreachable positions in hazardous zones.